
  1. Z

    Hybrid Mobile Developer

    Hi We have a laravel website and a FileMaker app We are interested in a simple hybrid mobile application to do the following: - log in - Push notifications (from web and desktop app) - accept/ reject offer - page with offer history
  2. K

    Spanish Imprimir en impresora Dpp 250 desde Android

    Buenas tardes, Estoy intentando imprimir desde Android con flutter en una impresora DPP 250 y no hay forma. He intentado utilizar una herramienta de test, pero tras enviar una impresión la luz de bluetooth parpadea pero no imprime nada ??? Alguien me puede ayudar con este tema? Gracias
  3. netkomm

    B4X : Some suggestions and ideas for Erel

    Hi Erel, I have some suggestions about B4X and, given that for necessity I had to move away from B4A/B4I and jump ship to Ionic and soon Flutter, this is my feedback I can offer so that B4X could be a valid alternative to those environments especially for many of us who are a 1 man show and...
  4. sktanmoy

    Other Off Topic: Did you ever try Flutter?

    Disclaimer: I'm a proud user of B4A since 2012 and B4i user around a year. So I'm not trying to create any controversy here. I recently found Flutter and decided to give that a try. It took one or two days to have clear conceptions. I have converted a few apps developed in B4X within a day...
  5. Multiverse app

    Announcing flutter 1.0
