
  1. Pxs

    B4J Question InlineEditing b4xTable help with tabbing beetween fields

    Hello, I'm trying the InlineEditing class with b4xtable. Is there a way to tab from a field to the next? To quickly fill all the fields of a row without having to use the mouse to click on them? Right now tab only jumps from the current selected field to the Search textfield... I tried to...
  2. DarkoT

    B4J Question InLineEdit - Enter new value and go to next row

    Hi guys, need little help... I'm using InlineEdit for B4XTableView. It's possible to add new functionality to "send" cursor to next row, after user enter new value? Now system sends the focus to button - outside of grid when user input data and press Enter... User need always click into...
  3. LucaMs

    Android Question [Solved] B4XTable - InlineEditing class

    Using the class InlineEditing for B4XTable in B4A I get this error: Error occurred on line: 61 (InlineEditing) java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference but only in B4A, the B4J version (it is...