
  1. Brian Michael

    B4J Code Snippet [JavaFX] - Metro Style CSS

    Hello, I will show you how to install this Metro skin in your projects. It is a JavaFX css style that allows you to modify the controls, giving it a metro effect. I use JMetro CSS files from: Some Issues you have to know. Thanks to @tchart DEMO: DEFAULT B4J: METRO STYLE LIGHT: METRO...
  2. angel_

    Android Question [solved] Change theme with TabStrip

    I am trying to change the Theme on the Page2 of this example with TabStrip using Buttons 1 to 4, but it does not work. Any sugestion? Manifest: AddManifestText( <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" android:targetSdkVersion="26"/> <supports-screens android:largeScreens="true"...