maven artifact

  1. S

    Android Question Maven artifact not found

    im trying to use firebase sdk and did everything and installed and imported all of it. you can see it in image below. added required libraries. installed sdk's using sdk manager and added "#AdditionalJar:" but still this error occurs. B4A...
  2. M

    Android Question B4A - Maven artifact not found: androidx.core/core-ktx (-> lStar)

    Hi everyone, I just switched to a MacBook M1 and i'm configuring everything on Windows11 with Parallels. I followed the usual B4A installation instructions and tried to compile an already existing project. This error showed up... what can i do? i already tried to install these...
  3. shadowdevfr

    Android Question Maven artifact not found even if it's installed through the sdk manager

    Hi! I've been using b4a for a while, but this is my first forum post. This time i'll assume I'm pretty much stuck. I'm integrating admob to my app. I added everything into the manifest, but still, an error is appearing on compiling and refreshing libraries. "Maven artifact not found...
  4. 3

    Italian Maven artifact non trovato errore

    Buona sera a tutti, so di non essere l' unico che ha questo problema, ma i suggerimenti nei post che ho letto fino ad adesso, non hanno dato beneficio. Mi sono accorto che appare quando carico la libreria RuntimePermissions(V1.10) ho aggiornato anche l'SDK, ma nulla. Qualcuno ha idea di come...