
  1. Android Question Using JdbcSQL to connect to MSSQL

    I am using jdbcSQL to connect MSSQL. There is problem in release mode with error NetworkOnMainThread. The solution is to use async methods (InitializeAsync, ExecQueryAsync). I made a small test and have the same problem. Exactly it depends from number of returned rows. If result is 10 rows it...
  2. M

    B4J Question B4J MS JDBC Connection not possible

    Hello, i would love to do some future projects using B4J. For this i need to connect to a 2012 Microsoft SQL-Server. Unfornutaley i cant get it working. Im trying to connect using mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre11. Trying and reading posts since days. Does anyone have a working example for me ? Library...
  3. Pergunta B4A Problemas com a Biblioteca MSSQL

    Olá pessoal, sou novo no B4A e estou precisando da ajuda de vocês, qualquer ajuda, sugestão ou correção sobre este erro será bem vinda. Estou com um projeto e preciso fazer uma conexão simples com um banco de dados externo (SQL Server), baixei a biblioteca MSSQL e configurei os caminhos...
  4. B4J Library [BANanoConnect] BANanoSQL+SQLite+MySQL+MSSQL Library

    Ola For a while I have been exploring backend connectivity using BANano for BANanoSQL, SQLite, MSSQL and MySQL. The purpose of this lib is for a one place for all your connectivity with these backends. This library as a couple of class utilities for connecting to BANAnoSQL, SQLite, MSSQL and...
  5. R

    Android Question B4A - Direct connection with JdbcSQL to MSSQL with istance

    Hello everyone, i tried successfully to connect my app an MSSQL Server without istance, but when i try to connect with another MSSQL that has an istance the connection doesn't work. I specify the istance in the jdbcUrl after the IPServer; is it right? Public MsSql As JdbcSQL Private...
  6. M

    Android Question JDBC run a MSSQL stored procedure with in & out params

    Hello, I am stuck with JDBC and MSSQL. I have successfully connected using JDBC like so: Sub Process_Globals Public msSQL As JdbcSQL Private driver As String = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" Private jdbcUrl As String = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://"...
  7. B4J Question [BANano]: [SOLVED] Using MySQL / MSSQL with PHP

    Hi there Update: April 8, 2019 Solution [BANAno] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 1 [BANano] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 2 I have an issue that I need to address. I have a backend that I need to speak to from my BANano App, this could either be MySQL or either MSSQL (no decision as yet). I guess...
  8. A

    Android Question connect sql using server name

    Hello everyone. Does anyone know if there is a library that makes the database connection by server name and not by IP number? Currently I use the MSSQL library, but it only connects by IP. I need to connect by name.
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