Hello everyone,
i tried successfully to connect my app an MSSQL Server without istance, but when i try to connect with another MSSQL that has an istance the connection doesn't work.
I specify the istance in the jdbcUrl after the IPServer; is it right?
i tried successfully to connect my app an MSSQL Server without istance, but when i try to connect with another MSSQL that has an istance the connection doesn't work.
I specify the istance in the jdbcUrl after the IPServer; is it right?
Connection data:
Public MsSql As JdbcSQL
Private driver As String = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"
Private DBName As String = "dbname"
Private Username As String = "sa"
Private Password As String = "pass"
Private jdbcUrl As String = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://192.168.xx.xx/SQLEXPRESS2016:1433;databaseName=" & DBName & ";user=" & Username & ";password=" & Password & ";appname=SKMJL;wsid=MyWS;loginTimeout=10"