
  1. GMan

    Android Question Simple Notification

    Is there any improvement with the issue of transparent images (.png) used in Notifications ? Until now the transparency dont work 'cause the picture type is Bitmap so the image is displayed as a mask. Dim n As NB6 Dim smiley As Bitmap...
  2. Alain75

    Android Question How to start another activity when Replacing Notification by NB6

    I used the simple notification builder and passed an intent in the setinfo2 activity parameter in order to start another application when clicking the notification. dim notif as Notification, pm as PackageManager ... notif.SetInfo2("Title","Text","",pm.GetApplicationIntent(xxx)) I want to...
  3. walterf25

    Android Question Start B4XPage from Receiver (SOLVED)

    Hi all, I have an app that schedules a notification for the user, the notification has two action buttons, "Check In" and "Close", I have a receiver that captures these actions in the starting intent, based on which of these two buttons are pressed when the user opens the notification, I need to...
  4. walterf25

    Android Question Scheduling Notification 14 days from now (Receiver)

    Hi all, I have the need to schedule a notification on my app 14 days from whenever the user completes certain tasks, I came across this thread here that requests the REQUEST_SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM permission so, My question is, will a Receiver work in this case, is there anything special I need to...
  5. Sganga61

    iOS Question B4i Notification Action

    Hi Can anyone help me understand what actions are possible and how to program the app to switch from background to foreground after notification? My goal is to have my app switch from background to foreground when tapping on it notification. On Android device this very simple...
  6. Alexander Stolte

    Share My Creation ToDo App - Full working App B4A/B4I [Source for sale]

    This is a fully functional ToDo app for Android and IOS (B4A and B4I) With this B4X project I show how to develop a modern and good looking cross-platform app with B4X. Features SQLite Database structure Task due notifications Dark and Light Mode Switch on the fly, without app restart...
  7. Duque

    Spanish Receptores VS Servicios

    Hola Según esta discusión nos esperan problemas con Android 12+ El debate es sobre los servicios y receptores después de android 12+ Según lo que entendí me puse manos a la obra para actualizar... yo tengo una aplicación donde el usuario configura un recordatorio, este lo programo de la...
  8. Flavio SOuza

    Android Question The application does not open using the Firebase Push Notifications

    I'm trying to use 'Firebase Push Notifications 2023+', and I implement it correctly following the tutorial. When debugging the application on the physical device, it simply closes without showing any kind of error. The same thing happens with the sample project. I configure it with my keys...
  9. M

    Android Question Clicking on the notification and running the service

    Hi How can I create a notification with a big image using a library: which when clicked run a service without bringing up any activity?
  10. M

    iOS Question BLE SetNotify does not return anything

    Hi everyone, i've used BLE library with Android and i have the necessity to use the SetNotify method. On Android this method return a boolean value to tell if the operation went ok or not. On iOS seems that the SetNotify method does not have a return value. I use the return value to wait for...
  11. joko0124

    Android Question Notify selected user from User ID

    Hi B4A Masters! Is it possible to notify user without logging into the app? If it is, can you teach me how? Thanks in advance!
  12. Brian Michael

    B4A Library [B4A] [XUI] BMPopUp v1.2

    [UPDATED V1.2] Hello everyone, it is a pleasure for me to show you my first library for B4A. BMPopUp is a library that will allow you to create PopUp messages in your applications. You can change the look as you like. Thanks in advance for visiting I hope you like it. Normal PopUp...
  13. I

    Android Question Notification with background app (SOLVED)

    I am using NB6 to display notifications. If the app is in the foreground when the notification arrives and I click on it, it takes me to the indicated page, but if the app is in the background when I click on the notification, it disappears and does not take me to the indicated page. How can I...
  14. R

    Android Question NB6 Custom sound and HIHT priority

    Hi, I have a problem with the NB6 notification library. I'd like to make a notification with high priority and a custom sound, goes I see it can't be done. The setCustom function doesn't set the custom sound to false if we are in isChannel = true mode, how can I do to disable the defautl sound...
  15. Duque

    Android Question [RESOLVED]Open android.settings.APP_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS

    Greetings This worked until VERSION.SDK_INT 25 Since then he says: VERSION.SDK_INT 26, 27, 28, 29, 30... "The application is not in the list of installed applications" After reading...
  16. S

    iOS Question Strange firebase behavior. Application_RemoteNotification is not called

    Strange firebase behavior. When I send a message from IOS using this code, Private Sub SendMessage(Topic As String, data As Map) Log("MyTopic ------------> "& Topic) Dim Job As HttpJob Job.Initialize("fcm", Me) Dim m As Map = CreateMap("to": $"/topics/${Topic}"$) If...
  17. O

    Android Question Notification are too slow

    I slightly reworked the BLE example so that I could receive notifications. After the revision, the notifications work, but the speed is very low. Namely, I manage to receive only 20% of the data from the sensor. Does anyone know any faster way to receive notifications. Otherwise I test on MIUI...
  18. Angel Garcia

    iOS Question Remote Notification> UserNotification_Action with more than one parameter

    Hello all, Maybe this is a silly question, i was able to implement silent notifications and regular push notifications. Im using the UserNotificationClass from Erel. My problem is that when the user clicks on any action of the buttons it only gets the actionIdentifier string (that is the button...
  19. A

    Android Question Icons for notifications

    Hello. A strange thing is happening. I have a standard icon.png file in the \ Objects \ res \ drawable folder. I want to dynamically change the notification icon. When I add to the folder (according to the instructions!) A file, for example, icon2.png, it disappears when the project is compiled...
  20. M

    iOS Question Schedule repetitive notifications

    Hi eveyone, i was looking for a way to show a repetitive notification without firebase. i already took a look to this tutorial and this also. I was wondering if there is a way to show a notification every day at a specified time, without the need to open the app. Scenario: User opens the app ->...