
  1. M

    Android Question Self update APP (System App and Device Owner)

    Hi everyone, i'm developing an Application that is set to be device-owner (for kiosk purposes) and it also signed with the device producer (so it is a system app). This app is already able to trigger the installation of other apks with this intent based code: Public Sub...
  2. 0

    B4R Question Update ESP32 via android application (B4A)

    hello does anyone have an example of how to perform an ESP32 update function via an application written in B4A (via wifi)
  3. M

    Android Question [B4XPages] How to update Kiosk app remotely

    Hi everyone, I'm doing some researches for a customer project that needs a kiosk. So I bought an Android PC and now I'm studying all the necessary stuff to do what I need. In particular I already saw the Kiosk Tutorial and the Immersive Mode Tutorial. I still miss some pieces to get all...
  4. G

    Nordic RF - Android DFU Library - Wrapper request

    Hello everyone, I have a project based on a nRF52840 device, which has the secure bootloader implemented and the application is running fine on it as it is. I can update the existing application with a new firmware package via DFU OTA using Nordic's "nRF Device Firmware Update" app on Google...
  5. G

    Android Question Nordic RF - Android DFU Library - Wrapper request

    Hello everyone, I have a project based on a nRF52840 device, which has the secure bootloader implemented and the application is running fine on it as it is. I can update the existing application with a new firmware package via DFU OTA using Nordic's "nRF Device Firmware Update" app on Google...
  6. P

    iOS Question OTA Deployer - cannot install app

    Hi, I'm trying to deploy an app for customer testing using the OTA Deployer. I've done this before with no issues, but now, I can't get the app to install on any device with iOS 16. The same build will install without issues on iOS 15.4. The devices have "Programming Mode" set to ON. Any help...
  7. sfsameer

    Share My Creation [V2] Amazing Order Taking App : Source For Sale

    Hello everyone, *Starting off by thanking the one and only @Erel for making this possible for every single one of us. As it has been requested many times before, we have released a new and a better version of the (Amazing Order Taking App) What's new in the version : 1- The Manager (Back-End...
  8. KMatle

    B4R Tutorial ESP32: Simple OTA/Update via WebServer

    This example (adapted from the Arduino examples under Arduino->File->Examples) - downloads a file from a server (exactly: the update file) - store this file to the filesystem (SPIFFS) - starts an update with the downloaded file How to use: - Compile this app with "default" options from the...
  9. mcqueccu

    iOS Question Using OTA, Unable to download app

    I kept getting this error on Ipad Air 2 running ios9. I followed the OTA step which was successful. I then sent the link to the ipad. Error message says: Unable to download App, App could not be installed at this time. Retry.
  10. A

    B4R Question OTA Update for ESP 8266 device

    Does Br4 have a method for updating an esp8266 device OTA, similar to https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-ota-updates-with-arduino-ide-over-the-air/
  11. igodese

    iOS Question OTA link seems to be not working on iOS 11+ [OK]

    Hi All. I recently modified a regurlarly published App for some additional features and, as usual, I passed a link for OTA install to my beta-testers. There was a problem on 2 iPhones on a group of 3. How the link was supplied: - in order to make simpler to reach the download, I created a...