
  1. walterf25

    B4J Question HELP (plotting temperature profile chart)

    Hi Everyone, I'm working on a small project using ABMaterial and the frappe charts library found here, so far everything seems to be working fine for me. What I am doing is connecting to a Temperature Chamber through Ethernet and reading the temperature profiles already stored in the Temp...
  2. MilaDesign

    B4A Library Avatar Generator

    This library gives you avatar like Telegram. You can set color or use unique color based on your label. Sample Code: Dim AG As AvatarGenerator AG.Initialize.AvatarSize(64).TextSizePercentage(50).Label(Name).ToCircle AG.Build 'To get bitmap AG.Build2 'To get bitmapdrawable B4A Library...
  3. A

    Android Question change instagram profile

    Hello, Is there any way or solution for changing the user's Instagram profile name? (For example, change the profile name at the user's Instagram to "Hello123") Thanks in advance
  4. D

    iOS Question Profile Error

    Hi All. Check dependencies Code Signing Error: No certificate matching 'iPhone' found: Select a different signing certificate for CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY, a team that matches your selected certificate, or switch to automatic provisioning. Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product...