
  1. Brian Michael

    Android Question How to return qr scan result to a another app

    Hello everyone. Today I come to you with a great concern, I try to create a qr code reader app, where another app can call it and my app returns the scanned value. I was able to see that the attempts exist, but I cannot find a tutorial where it is well understood how I can make my app run from...
  2. carlos7000

    Android Question Library QrCode does not encode long texts

    Hi. I have tried various codes to generate qr codes. I liked this library: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-qrgenerator-cross-platform-qr-code-generator.93092/ ...but it does not encode texts that are more than 78 bytes long. ¿Is there a similar one, but one that encodes longer...
  3. A

    Spanish Consulta reproducir audio mediante link generado por QR

    Buenos días: he realizado un app con lector de QR, el lector funciona perfectamente pero deseo que luego de reconocer el código QR reproduzca el contenido (audios) que se encuentran en mi google drive (o cualquier otro servicio de almacenamiento) he probado con el reproductor de audio pero solo...