
  1. yiankos1

    Android Tutorial Data Safety Admob

    Hello team, If you recieved an email about submiting Data Safety form at Google Play Console and your apps using Admob, you can watch this video to guide you. More infos you can find here and here. Wish you a great day!
  2. Michael2150

    Android Question How safe is my API keys?

    So I followed the instructions in this post here and integrated google maps into my application. In that tutorial it says you should put your API key in the manifest editor like this. AddApplicationText( <meta-data android:name=""...
  3. KMatle

    Android Tutorial [B4x] AES Encryption (lessons learned & best practice)

    Last weekend I migrated my XAMPP test environment (Apache/PHP/MySql). It came with PHP 7.x. Yesterday I wanted to test one of my Apps using AES and Mcrypt for it in PHP but it didn't work no more. I noticed that MCrypt was deprecated anyway and even was removed due to security and other issues...