
  1. Z

    Java Question QR code scanning

    Hi, I have a small problem. this is original QR code from receipt I'm trying to scan it with different libraries and tried almost all of them from b4a site, based on google play service vision, I tried some Johan Schoeman solutions, Erel suggestions, tried taking pictures, grayscale...
  2. F

    Android Question [SOLVED] Runtime BLUETOOTH_SCAN permission not working - android 12 device, targetsdk 31, android33 sdk

    Hello, I followed the instructions here to try to make the bluetooth scan work on Android 12 device with app targeted for API level 31. However, even though the permission is added in the manifest and...
  3. M

    iOS Question [B4X] BLE 2 - Concept of "ID" different between iOS and Android...

    Hi everyone, I'm developing an app that uses the BLE, i'm using the last suggested way: this. However... i need to connect to a specific device knowing the MAC Address... I made the App for Android and everything works because when the sub "_DeviceFound" fires it returns something like: where...
  4. S

    Share My Creation Find used libraries (B4A, B4J,B4In B4R)

    Hello, Sometimes you want to clean the additionnal folder, but are you sure a library is used or not in your projects ? This app lists all the libraries found in your projets. Select a folder, check project's type and you got it! In the left listview are the libraries found. In the right...
  5. Vinians2006

    Android Question App stops when using camera

    My friends, I rarelly use foruns because I like to try to fix the problem but this time I tryed a lot and cannot discover whats causing this issue. My app uses zxing to read bar codes but its needs that user installs another app that reads the code and pass to my app. Now I want to read the...
  6. uniplan

    Android Question Scan wifi and MLwifi library

    Hi to all...i need to scan the all wifi around me at the moment and know the ssid. I test the MLwifi library: but the wifi_ScanDone not triggered...why? it necessary or possible to set a time limit to scan? this is my code...thank you Sub...