

    Android Question hidding strings into the code

    Hello, For security, Is it necessary, and if yes what is the best method to do for: Hidding particulary parameters or constant or var into the code, like : Public PhaRcs As String = "Mypassword" ' Password Public WebSite As String = "" ' Url Public...
  2. Ahmet KOÇ

    B4R Question How to combine variables and text ?

    I have tried many methods. "dddd" variable, "ddddd" + variable, "ddddd" .variable ... how do I combine a string variable with text in an application.
  3. K

    Android Question string.replace() changing special character in string

    i have a string : msg = "%this is test message%" I am changing special character "%" = "%25" msg.Replace("%","%25") Its showing error :: Error occurred on line: 49 (Main) java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to$RemoteObject at...
  4. C

    Android Question Encoding Text when Manually Building JSON

    I'm manually building in code, some JSON files, but have a hit a problem where I need to ensure that characters like " ' [ & etc are encoded, as if I don't, the recipient can't parse the resulting file. Is there a function somewhere that will allow me to convert a text string to a JSON friendly...
  5. A

    Android Question Get item in string

    Hello, Can someone please send an example of how to get item from string with items? (I am using json with OkHttpUtils2) The string setting is : Dim name As List = root.Get("name") For Each colname As String In name Next (how to get for example item number 3 that equals to...
  6. K

    Android Question double decimal

    I have string 725517.5 I want its to show as 725517.50
  7. K

    Android Question App crashes when trying to change a label's text

    Hello! I'm new to this forum (and generally in B4A and Android programming) and this is my first post. I have a problem with the app I'm developing. This is the code causing the crash, but I don't know how to fix it: Private DriveStartHour As Int = -1 Private DriveStartMin As Int = -1...
  8. Alexander Stolte

    Android Question Check if there are only emojis in the string

    Hello, Is there an easy way to check if only emojis in a string? I would like to check this to highlight it by changing the text size, like Instagram where you can see the emojis in large size when sending only one emoji or two. Greetings
  9. A

    Android Question inStr(in VB - does a string contain "..") - how to in B4A?

    hi, I need to search for a word in a string. I tried InStr, but its not exist. Does someone knows how can I search for some String in other string (like inStr on VB)? Thanks.
  10. J

    Android Question B4A - Maximum Length of a String?

    I looked in the manual under strings, and did a search but could not find this - Is there a maximum length for a string in B4A? If so what is it? Same as for B4i and B4j?