
  1. Global Robot Empire

    How to become a Licensed User?

    Almost all users have a Licensed User tag below their Icon. How do I get it too? Thank you
  2. A

    Android Question B4XFloatTextField - Find view with tag problem

    Hi, I have summarized my codes into a basic one: a layout with just one B4XFloatTextField named "B1" and here is my code: #Region Activity Attributes #FullScreen: False #IncludeTitle: false #End Region Sub Process_Globals End Sub Sub Globals Public FloatText As...
  3. D

    Android Question I am confused: xCustomListView, B4XImageView, Tag?

    In an xCustomListView with just several list items, each has a panel with a number of B4XViews, among them a button and a B4XImageView. When you tap the button, you can then take a photo with simple camera intent. I store the resized bitmap into the database and also create a jpg file. It's...
  4. N

    Spanish Reconocer etiquetas según su propiedad Tag

    Hola de nuevo. En el ejemplo SecondProgram de B4X Getting Started vi cómo utilizar btn y Sender para averiguar qué botón se había pulsado en el evento_Click. Quiero hacer algo similar para poner un texto en una serie de etiquetas con distintos Tag s. La situación es que son muchas labels, quiero...
  5. DarkoT

    B4J Question CustomListView - tag without value

    Hi, need help for CustomList view... I'm filling custom listview with data from my sql database... I can not understand why is stored Tag empty... Any suggestion... My code: ' napolnimo combo z kupci Sub FillComboCustomer(Filter As String) Query = $"select cu_code, cu_name, cu_country...
  6. H

    B4J Tutorial Tag management for UI Nodes

    In B4XPages we rely heavily on tags to identify UI elements. Yet tags are valuable for connecting data to the UI, too, and it is easy to feel we are wasting tags for identification. There is a very simple and obvious way to use tags in a more flexible way, though. The following idea is not...
  7. LucaMs

    Android Question [Solved] How to get the (text) tag of a B4XImageView...

    How to get the (text) tag of a B4XImageView when it is in a Panel (B4XView) by using GetAllViewsRecursive?
  8. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS ScrollingChips based on xCustomListView - Display your Hashtags or Categories

    I removed the old code and took the code from the AS_Chips to make this view even better. I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal. :) Without scroll...
  9. hamedafrough

    Android Question tag & sender

    hello everyone please help me, how can I relate between p1 (lkoleaza) & p2 (lkoleaza_slvlbl) with tag and sender I want when boss clicked on the name of users, information of user show at activity p2. thanks for your kindness. codes of p1 ub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)...
  10. hamedafrough

    Android Question tag & sender

    Hello everyone I have a main activity that includes a multi-panel including ID, name and family. When I click on the name and family tags that are displayed together on a label, more details of the user information are displayed on another page, which also displays the information in a scroll...
  11. AKJammer

    Android Question Tag property in CustomListView ?

    I'm trying to get the name of the customlistview that is being accessed. Looking in the forum, storing the name in the tag seems to be the agreed method and I can see it in the designer. Problem is, there doesn't appear to be a tag property available at runtime. Was that an oversight or am...
  12. walterf25

    Java Question Extends Service Library

    Hi All, i am currently working on a NFCEmulator library wrapper, i found a full project online which emulates an NFC card and another project that acts as the reader, i have been able to run both of these projects with Android Studio and they both seem to work as expected. Now i am trying to...