
  1. pejmannikravan

    Android Question How to use debug.keystore in Unity?

    Hello Dears I want to update one of my old apps that I made with B4A and released on the market. Now the problem is that I didn't sign my old app and compiled with debug.keystore. We all know this debug key has no password. Now when I try to put debug.keystore in Unity and compile my game, Unity...
  2. Pendrush

    B4A Library Unity Ads Library

    Original library: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/unity-ads-android Based on Unity Ads Library v4.13.0 (14 Jan 2025). Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded Video. For InterstitialAd and for RewardedVideoAd you need to add this in your manifest: AddApplicationText(<activity...

    Android Question Admob Mediation With Unity ads

    Hey guys :) I want to use the Mediation service on Google with Unity ads. https://unityads.unity3d.com/help/monetization/getting-started I've done all the steps in the unity ads service (add app and get cod and ......) and I've also done all the steps in the Google service ( make mediation...