Buongiorno a tutti
Mi trovo con un problema che devo risolvere velocemente.
Ho un server dove si trova un applicativo web (fatto in Python e al quale si collegano diversi tablets), un paio di applicazioni VB.Net, e l'applicazione jRDC2 che mi consente di connettermi con dei palmari con...
Hello all,
is it possible to have session variables stored when the client application is written in vb.net.
I would like Jserver to maintain the same session ( with user id variable ) every time the client connects.
With B4A and Jserver this was not an issue, works perfectly
thank you
I have this code in VB.net (windows)
Imports System.Net
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("www.myurl.com/file.php?w=" & notes.Text)
Hi, I'm working on conversion my b4a app to b4i and have encrypt / decrypt problem
I already have a code that does encryption / decryption on Android and on VB.NET on my server.
Sub Encrypt(dataToEncrypt As String ) As String
Dim kg As KeyGenerator
Dim c As Cipher
Dim B64 As...
i am new to B4A and android developing.
I have some working vb.net Projects, which i want to run as an app on Android.
What will be the best way to migrate a Project vom vb.net (Working on Desktop) to B4A (to get it working on Android)?
If i missed an already existing thread to this, please...
Hi, I need to send a encrypted String from Android Phone to Windows computer.
So I need a B4A Encrypt , and C# / vb.net Decrypt code.
I have tried various DES, 3DES libraries.
So if any one of you have got this right, please post the code below.
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