
  1. ViMeAv ICT

    Android Question Using intent, broadcast receiver and SDK version

    I'm getting something very strange, when using attached standard service, to receive an intent. This works well when using <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="25"/> But when I use <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="30"/> nothing is...
  2. Star-Dust

    B4J Library [B4X] SD Zebra (printer)

    This library is the result of my first approach with Zebra printers. I started by connecting via LAN (or Wi-Fi) ZPL language. I plan to connect via BLE and perhaps also via USB. Have a good time. Preview only works if you have an internet connection For ESC/POS Printer see here The Demo version...
  3. Star-Dust

    ZEBRA Printer library

    Good morning everyone, I was thinking of creating a library for printing with ZEBRA printers via LAN (or WiFI) or Bluetooth. Do you think it might be of interest?
  4. B

    Android Question ZEBRA TC20

    Hello all together! I was very surprised to find a development tool like this, which is really RAD! We are looking for a tool to write apps for the mobile scanning device TC20 from ZEBRA. ZEBRA delivers NuGet libraries for Visual Studio and XAMARIN, but in my opinion B4A is much more...
  5. R

    Android Question Zebra Printer

    Hi EREL , can you Help me to translate this program to print on ZEBRA PRINTER bluetooth(BLE) I use BleSendData.zip example to search and connect zebra printer and it run ok. ref for ZEBRA...
  6. Gabino A. de la Gala

    Spanish Ayuda para conseguir interpretar una respuesta recibida en un intent

    Muy buenas. Llevo varios días intentando traducir estas instrucciones a B4A, pero no termino de conseguirlo. Según el manual de instrucciones. Para cambiar entre los posibles perfiles de escaneo definidos mediante en ScanWedge en un dispositivo Zebra hay que seguir las siguientes instrucciones...