[B4X] Code snippets
B4J v10.00 includes support for "code snippets". This feature will be added to the other tools in the next updates. A code snippet is a piece of code that can be added to your code in very few clicks. The snippet can include any number of variables or placeholders that will be highlighted and...

New feature - code snippets
Code snippets are added into b4xlibs. You can create an empty b4xlib just for snippets. Each snippet is a text file, for example: 'Loads the remote media into the given panel and sets the background color. $MediaManager$.SetMediaWithExtra($Panel$, "https://www.b4x.com/images/Logo_on-dark.png"...

ศึกษาเพิ่มเติมได้ เครื่องมือของ LucaMS
[B4X] [TOOL][SOURCE] lm Snippets Manager
I definitely want to speed up the development of my softwares; I decided to develop a very useful snippets manager. Although the main purpose is to have all your snippets at your fingertips, saved in a local db, cataloged and easy to find, I have also added the possibility of inserting those...

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