Okay, I have a screen that I want to enable for about 8 seconds. During this time I want to display an .mp4 and I want the video on full screen. I also want to disable the screen from any actions if being touched. Since it shows the control bar at the bottom when you touch it during the video. I have looked everywhere and I may be overlooking it, but I am not seeing it. Again, just in case my explanation is confusing..Sorry.
I want to show an mp4 video, full screen and have the screen disabled so if its touched, nothing happens. Any help is very much appreciated!! Thank you very much!
EDIT: Okay, I'm an idiot, I realized my code was correct, but my resolution was too small. I have the full screen problem fixed. I just need to find out if there is a way to disable the touch screen. Thank you.
I want to show an mp4 video, full screen and have the screen disabled so if its touched, nothing happens. Any help is very much appreciated!! Thank you very much!
EDIT: Okay, I'm an idiot, I realized my code was correct, but my resolution was too small. I have the full screen problem fixed. I just need to find out if there is a way to disable the touch screen. Thank you.
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