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bar.NavigationMode = bar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS 'change to list to see the other mode
bar.SetListItems(Array As String("Dropdown 1", "Dropdown 2", "Dropdown 3"))
bar.Subtitle = "This is the subtitle"
bar.ShowUpIndicator = True
Activity.Title = "This is the title"
File-Export as zip. Upload this zip if you want us to check your appHere is some code
You should start with this issue. Create a new thread if you need help on this. Post the error message you got.I have v6 and it says it won't run properly and it doesn't. When compiling it gives an error
BUG? (I am using B4a version 6.0)
If you look at the code below (which is very short) you will see that I set
Activity.Title = "aaaa"
and it does nothing.\
It's not a bug, it's the order you are performing the instructions. Each layout file has an activity title attribute which will set the title when you load it. So, in your example:Activity.Title = "aaaa"
bar.Subtitle = "bbbb"
Activity.AddMenuItem("Return To Game","Help")
Activity.Title = "aaaa" ' <=== Sets the title to "aaaa" at this instant -- display will not change as the sub is still running, blocking UI updates
Activity.LoadLayout("layoutmain.bal") ' <==== Now sets the activity title to whatever you defined in the layout