Android Question how to stop app from playing music when incoming calls ?

Ehsan Tamjidi

Licensed User
Longtime User
hi there
I have created an app that plays music I need to stop music on incoming calls or outgoing calls

thanks for your answers


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Ehsan Tamjidi

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel
Thanks a lot for the help

I used your Code Like this:

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   jo = jo.RunMethod("getSystemService", Array("audio"))
   Dim event As Object = jo.CreateEventFromUI("", _
     "audio", Null)
   Dim p As Phone
   Log(jo.RunMethod("requestAudioFocus", Array (event, p.VOLUME_MUSIC, 2)))
End Sub

Sub audio_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
   Log("Method: "&MethodName)

    If MethodName="onAudioFocusChange" Then
        Log("Args(0): "&Args(0))
        If Args(0)<0 Then
            Phone_Idle = False

            Phone_Idle = True
        End If
    End If
    Log("Phone Idle: "&Phone_Idle)
   Return Null
End Sub

but I receive an error:
Ignoring event: audio_event

I think it is because I dont play through service, and I dont know how to play in a service

thanks for your time - cheers
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Robert Valentino

Well-Known Member
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I know this thread is a year old but I read it yesterday and looked at what I was doing in my Music App Service (which is working just fine)

I handle the PhoneEvents and if the phone goes off hook I set a flag and pause the music
When it goes back to Idle I restart the music if it was playing

NOW what I am doing is working fine.

But should I be doing what Erel suggested above?

Public  Sub BBP_PhoneStatus_PhoneStateChanged(State As String, IncomingNumber As String, Intent As Intent)
           Log("BlackBoxPlayer::PhoneStateChanged  State:" &State &"  Incoming Number:" &IncomingNumber)
           '  A phone call has come in or we are making a phone call
           If  State.EqualsIgnoreCase("OFFHOOK") Then
               '  If we weren't already on the phone then check if we should stop
                 If  BBP_PhoneOffHook = False Then
                     BBP_PhoneOffHook           = True
                     BBP_PhoneCallStoppedPlaying = BBP_IsPlaying
                   BBP_WasPlaying               = BBP_IsPlaying
                   If  BBP_IsPlaying Then
                   End If
                 End If
           End If
           '  Phone has been hung up
           If  State.EqualsIgnoreCase("IDLE") Then
                 If  BBP_PhoneOffHook Then
                     BBP_PhoneOffHook = False

                   '  Check if we need to restore playing
                     If  BBP_PhoneCallStoppedPlaying Then
                       BBP_PhoneCallStoppedPlaying = False
                       If  BBP_WasPlaying Then
                           BBP_WasPlaying = False
                       End If
                     End If
                 End If
           End If
End Sub
#end Region

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