94% of U.S. App Store Revenue Comes From the Top 1% of Monetizing Publishers


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This is most likely true for all media, whether it's apps, movies, books, magazines or something more common like clothing or toys. Indie producers always get a lot less of the pie than the big boys. Doesn't mean you can't make it as an indie, it just means you have to be different to make yourself stand out from the rest.

Using films as an example, the film "Moon" had a budget of $5 million, (xmen days of future past budget was $200 million), moon grossed about $5m at the box office and xmen grossed $747m total worldwide. Yes the projects are massively different in scale, but I think Moon was better and would be very happy if that was my project.

I'm happy with smaller projects and if one day a project makes it big, then great, but you need to be happy with what's you're working on now and not focus on the money, it might happen, it might not.


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Google should have a random app listing to give everyone a change to be listed without searching.

If you look now or 3 years ago (if that game already existed) it's always the same games you see on their opening pages.