Hi there,
I have a little problem with calling getMyMemoryState static method of ActivityManager...
(I tried to use only one Reflector object also... same result)
CreateObject of oPI works correctly... but when I call RunStaticMethod to invoke getMyMemoryState, system give me an error:
I call other methods of ActivityManager without problems... but this... this is the only static method I called so far...
any idee?
I have a little problem with calling getMyMemoryState static method of ActivityManager...
Dim oPI As Object
Dim R As Reflector
oPI = R.CreateObject("android.app.ActivityManager$RunningAppProcessInfo")
Dim R2 As Reflector
R2.RunStaticMethod("android.app.ActivityManager", "getMyMemoryState", Array As Object(oPI), Array As String("android.app.ActivityManager$RunningAppProcessInfo"))
(I tried to use only one Reflector object also... same result)
CreateObject of oPI works correctly... but when I call RunStaticMethod to invoke getMyMemoryState, system give me an error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: getMyMemoryState [class android.app.ActivityManager$RunningAppProcessInfo]
I call other methods of ActivityManager without problems... but this... this is the only static method I called so far...
any idee?