Android Code Snippet A Splash Page with a logo and slogan centered in all screens


I created a simple splash page which contains a 128px x 128px logo centered in both x and y. And below the logo, I have added a caption(slogan). This splash page works device independant.

Please check the PDF to see how it looks like in all screen sizes in different devices.

I have additionally attached the project.

Please give your feedback,

Thank you,


  • basic4android-splash-page.pdf
    337.9 KB · Views: 952
    7.6 KB · Views: 656

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
Bom! recomendo utilizar porcentagem %x e %y para ajustar os layouts e deixando o autoscale sempre no código.
Aqui vou deixar um exemplo com animação e temporizador se ajudar alguém deixe um like ae :).

Here is a example with a timer and animation, using %x and %y.


  • Splash
    324.7 KB · Views: 810

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
its normal o_O, and not is mine, is your with modifications :)