B4J Question [ABMaterial] 2 Requests (since feedback is down, I post them here)


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Longtime User
Hi Alain,

I have 2 requests for the next ABMaterial Framework version:

1 - In real world usage, a webapp will not need user LogIn imediately on the landing page, without even showing any content, so this is my first request, that the "Aplication" page to be just an entry page (or even the "initial" page to be that, but that the Login mechanism to be page setable)
2 - a full blown session management that deals with the login timeouts, if user does nothing during a particular interval

I know all this is doable by the developer, but even the more iluminated of "us" have a hard time with these two features....
I understand you have serious time constrains, and these may become almost impossible to implement, and if so, them I request one "simpler" thing:

A diagram of how ABM works, like a base flowchart from starting the server up until the "initial page" is showed. This will help "us", mainly me, to be able to better understand the way this works.

Thanks in advance.
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