B4J Question [ABMaterial] ABMCombo 1.11 problem, not in 1.06

Dan Haugland

Licensed User
Strange behavior that started to appear after upgrading from 1.06 to 1.11. 3 combo boxes, you click something in the first, it loads the second, etc. First combo works fine, second one doesn't update correctly. The _clicked event fires but the dropdown doesn't go away to properly show what you selected. Stripped my app down to bones to show the issue, installed 1.06 on another machine and it behaves as expected. The exported app with folders is too big for the forum, attached are source modules.

Suggestions on workaround?


  • ABmatTest.zip
    8.7 KB · Views: 194


Licensed User
Longtime User
I just tried your test app and all looks fine to me. I think you must have some kind of mix of versions on your computer (or cached in your browser?). The mail you send me yesterday on the enterpressed event does raise that suspicion even more. Note that if you are running both 1.06 and 1.11 versions of the js, css and fonts, it is quite possible some of them are cached by your browser and can cause problems. So try this:

1. In your project www folder: delete the folders js, font and css
2. copy the js, font and css folders from the /library/www/ folder of v1.10 (the big zip called something like 20160517xxxxx.zip mentioned in the mail from May 17)
3. copy the js folder from the /library/www/ of v1.11 (the maintenace zip called something like 20160601xxxxxx.zip mentioned in the mail from June 1)
4. If you use an AppVersion (ABMShared) variable in you project, increment it (to try to force an refresh).

5. In your browser clear the cache (Chrome, F12, Network Tab -> right-click, Clear Browser Cache)
6. run your project, in the browser press F5 a couple of times
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