B4J Question [ABMaterial] Create Toast with no timeout


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How does one create a toast message where the user must click on it (or a button on the toast) to dismiss it?

I think I recall seeing this in ABM some time ago.



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Perhaps... Or on the top menu, a drop down container with new items, along with an icon showing there is new content to read.

I want to show incoming messages from drivers and don't want it to dismiss until the user acknowledges it (as being read), in top right hand corner.


This JS shows a demo of how this could be done. Could I include this in my project using page.AddExtraJavaScriptFile()?
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why not use a modal sheet? you can "build it" however you want, and it can be dismissable either through a in modal sheet button or a off bounds click
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Or, add a button that would open a form where one could scroll though messages and manage them (respond, delete, etc).

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Or, add a button that would open a form where one could scroll though messages and manage them (respond, delete, etc).
or you can use an topbar item with an extrasidebar initialized as a panel where you can display what you want in the extrasidebar and notify the driver by appling a badge over the top item and also displaying a toast ... or something like that
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or you can use an topbar item with an extrasidebar initialized as a panel where you can display what you want in the extrasidebar and notify the driver by appling a badge over the top item and also displaying a toast ... or something like that

Something like this!
Click on the MAIL (4 NEW) button...

This was the best practical option! Using a sidebar with cards shows nicely. Auto-scroll when cards exceeds page height.
I was considering a table but this works much better!

The title is large, the body will expand the card as required and the action links provide functionality for each message.

Store the primary key of the record in the Tag of each card.
Use AddArrayComponent and then get the link clicked in the messarr_linkclicked() sub.

Thanks everyone for directing me to the RIGHT path.

Sub PutNewMail(new As Boolean)
    Dim sb As ABMSideBar = page.GetSideBar("SideBar")
    Dim cont As ABMContainer = sb.Content.Component("messcont")
    Dim SQL As SQL = DBM.GetSQL
    If new Then
        Dim SQL_mail As String = "Select * FROM mess_in where readit = 0 AND comp_id = "& Main.comp_id&" ORDER BY time_in DESC"
        Dim SQL_mail As String = "Select * FROM mess_in where readit >= 0 AND comp_id = "& Main.comp_id&" ORDER BY time_in DESC"
    End If   

    Dim newm As List = DBM.SQLSelect(SQL, SQL_mail,Null)   
    If newm.size > 0 Then
       For i = 0 To newm.size-1
          Dim tbl As Map = newm.get(i)
          Dim drv As String = GetDriver(tbl.Get("from_user"),True)
          Dim veh As String = tbl.Get("map_to")
          Dim pk As String = tbl.Get("pk")
          Dim dt As String = DateTime.Time(tbl.Get("time_in"))
          Dim mess As String = tbl.Get("mess_text")
          Dim titl As String = drv&"  | "&veh&"  | "&dt
          Dim card As ABMCard
          card.InitializeAsCard(page, "me"&i, titl, mess, ABM.CARD_SMALL,"yeltitle")
          card.AddAction("Set As Read")
           card.Tag = pk   'the important bit...  all actions require the primary key of the record...

    End If
End Sub

Sub messarr_linkclicked (target As String, Action As String)
 ' (MyMap) {eventparams=target,action, action=Reply, eventname=messarr_linkclicked, target=messcont-messarrme0}
    Dim sb As ABMSideBar = page.GetSideBar("SideBar")
    Dim cont As ABMContainer = sb.Content.Component("messcont")
    Dim cid As String = target.Replace("messcont-","")
    Dim card As ABMCard = cont.Component(cid)
    Dim tag As String = card.Tag

    Select Action

          Case "Reply"
             ' Bring up reply mesaage form..         
          Case "Delete"
             ' Delete message record

          Case "Set As Read"
            ' Mark as read and call button label update method
    End Select

Log("What id mees arr trget: "&target&"  "&Action&"  tag: "&tag)

End Sub
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This page has the cookie notification described. Over the weekend I'll post an example using the ABM demo project to show how to integrate into a page.

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