B4J Question [ABMaterial] delete .htaccess


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Good morning,
when I start the app.jar in the www folder the .htaccess file is deleted


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This is a jetty server, not apache. There is no need for such a file in the ABMaterial server.
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Each time you turn it on, you can check what IP address it comes from and select it by IP. You write everything in code using the websocket property that returns the IP.
It has an IP return method
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Licensed User
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Each time you turn it on, you can check what IP address it comes from and select it by IP. You write everything in code using the websocket property that returns the IP.
ok, I thought it could be done via webserver like apache
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You don't need any other web server for ABMaterial because it has its own built-in web server.
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One more idea came to me because you talked about .httacces. If you are using Linux as the environment for the ABMaterial server, then you can filter access by IP addresses through the system firewall to let IP data through to a given web server port.
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Licensed User
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One more idea came to me because you talked about .httacces. If you are using Linux as the environment for the ABMaterial server, then you can filter access by IP addresses through the system firewall to let IP data through to a given web server port.
I talked about .htaccess because I have multiple domains on the server and in each domain, based on what it is intended for, I have IP access rules.

Thank you for your precious time, I will come up with something or see if there are any further suggestions
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