B4J Question [ABMaterial] example of really website with Material?

Gianni M

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
hi all,
please post a link of website (no demo!) make with ABMaterial


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't think there are much out there as it is not meant to be used to make public WebSites.

You use it to create WebApps (not WebSites) or as interfaces for IoT. Ergo the Apps created with it are more private in nature. Internally, we have several WebApps made with ABMaterial (like our CRM for the sales guys), but they are for internal use too so I can't give you access. We are now in progress of converting our prime Desktop App (that we sell) completely to ABMaterial. But still a lot of work to do on that one...

That said, In my private time, I've agreed to create a WebSite with ABMaterial for a local choir, just to see how far I can push it. They want it more as a blog, and a place where members can download/listen to their music and get their musicsheets for practice. Things where ABMaterial will be perfect for.

But who knows what people make with it, I'm curious myself ;)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
hi all,
please post a link of website (no demo!) make with ABMaterial

Web Site and Web App - what does it mean?

The Web site has all the fancy promotional stuff enticing others to register the "product" - or the "package" ( front end gloss ).

The Web App does the work..

In my case, the package consists of a mobile app (B4A) and the backend which stores and delivers content from data collected from mobile app(s) to registered users.
It is (often not) easy, for us dev types, to create the backend. We generally lack the front end promotion. I currently struggle with this now.

How do we, using social media and other methods, get the word out to our target audience and create an effective front end?
(contract professionals)...???

Use whatever tool you like to create the front (ABMaterial can do this) and then link to your web app valid users.
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