B4J Question [ABMaterial] My WebApp does not display anything on iPad/iPhone Safari: Help Please!!!


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Longtime User
Hi there

I'm having issues with my app developed using the ABMaterial framework not displaying anything on any iPad/iPhone I have tested it on. Works well on android devices I have tested.

Can please someone advise if they have encountered such an issue?

The only thing that shows is a tab with the app name nothing else.



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Longtime User
I just tested my ABM app on my daughters new iphone. It works.. (amazingly enough).
This leads me to do some major refactoring when displayed on a phone - which I am trying to do right now.

Got a site address where we can see what you see?

EDIT: I think we launched it in a Chrome browser on her iphone. When she gets home, I will check again and try Apples browser... The older I get, the less I remember - even from last eve! So much to do and absorb in diminishing grey matter...
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Update: after I opened it in the google browser and then went to safari to open it, it opened properly, I don't really know why initially it did'nt open. I will test with other people as well and see what happens.
Just tried it in ios 6 in safari - it seemed to work... submitted a contact us page... whatever that did...
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Longtime User
Well, just installed Safari on my desktop again, for some reason some little snitch is still here causing havock..


Is there anyone who is fully using Safari with their ABMaterial WebApps and not experiencing this?
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