Hi all. I know it's not too related to ABMaterial but I'm porting a windows app to webapp.I've many crystal reports in this app. I'll like to export them as for next reports or jasper reports i don't if it's possible. I fount this code the internet.
From this link . I don't want to rewrite these reports.
Any thoughts about a wrapper ?
/Export Crystal Reports to pdf in java
public static void main() {
try {
//Overwrite any existing properties with updated values.
//information Oracle database
String DBUSERNAME = "user1";
String DBPASSWORD = "user123456";
String SERVERNAME = "";
String PORT = "1521";
String DATABASE_NAME = "ORCL"; // SID or Instance
String URI = "!oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver!jdbc:oracle:thin:{userid}/{password}@" + SERVERNAME + ":" + PORT + "/" + DATABASE_NAME; //1521/ or :1521
String DATABASE_DLL = "crdb_jdbc.dll";
String report_name = "D:\\report\\oracle_demo_3.rpt";
String exportFileName = "D:\\report\\oracle_demo_3.pdf";
ReportClientDocument clientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();
clientDoc.open(report_name, ReportExportFormat._PDF);
// Obtain collection of tables from this database controller.
ITable table = clientDoc.getDatabaseController().getDatabase().getTables().getTable(0);
IConnectionInfo connectionInfo = table.getConnectionInfo();
PropertyBag propertyBag = connectionInfo.getAttributes();
//Overwrite any existing properties with updated values.
propertyBag.put("Trusted_Connection", "false");
propertyBag.put("Server Name", SERVERNAME); //Optional property.
propertyBag.put("Database Name", DATABASE_NAME);
propertyBag.put("Server Type", "JDBC (JNDI)");
propertyBag.put("URI", URI);
propertyBag.put("Use JDBC", "true");
propertyBag.put("Database DLL", DATABASE_DLL);
//Set database username and password.
//NOTE: Even if these the username and password properties don't change when switching databases, the
//database password is *not* saved in the report and must be set at runtime if the database is secured.
//Update old table in the report with the new table.
clientDoc.getDatabaseController().setTableLocation(table, table);
clientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController().setCurrentValue("", "p_id", 14);
//Writing into PDF file
ByteArrayInputStream bais = (ByteArrayInputStream) clientDoc.getPrintOutputController().export(ReportExportFormat.PDF);
int size = bais.available();
byte[] barray = new byte[size];
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(exportFileName));
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(size);
int bytes = bais.read(barray, 0, size);
baos.write(barray, 0, bytes);
} catch (ReportSDKException ex) {
System.out.println("ReportSDKException" + ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Exception" + ex);
Any thoughts about a wrapper ?