How does one show a long value at formatted data / time in the grid?
I have tried FROM_UNIXTIME(pdate) in the query but col is empty. This is the usual method that I use in Jaspersoft reports query.
I suspect I have to detect what field (from map) and format the value for display (as done with Images).
I have tried FROM_UNIXTIME(pdate) in the query but col is empty. This is the usual method that I use in Jaspersoft reports query.
I suspect I have to detect what field (from map) and format the value for display (as done with Images).
SQL_Str2 = "SELECT pk, pdate, filename, place, drvid FROM cam_pics ORDER BY filename "&" LIMIT "& ((fromPage - 1) * iRecs) & ", "&iRecs
Dim var As String
var = tblFields.GetValueAt(j) ' init as string to avoid null_pointer error
If var = "null" Then
var = ""
End If
If tblFields.GetKeyAt(j) = "tspare1" Then
' Log("image to get: "&var)
Dim img As ABMImage
img.Initialize(page , "img"&j&i ,"../images/pics/"&var, 1.0)
img.SetFixedSize( 80,60)
img.IsCircular = True
End if