Stupid question number 4309... 
Trying to center a label and text on a footer. I am using the code from the demo project.
What I want is a single line and the text to be centered. What I am getting is this: (Extra line break and not centered)
Trying to center a label and text on a footer. I am using the code from the demo project.
What I am doing:
Sub BuildFooterFixed(page As ABMPage)
page.isFixedFooter= True
' because we have a fixed footer at the bottom, we have to adjust the padding of the body in pixels
page.PaddingBottom = 200
page.Footer.AddRows(1, True, "").AddCellsOS( 1 ,0,0,0, 6,6,6, "")
page.Footer.BuildGrid 'IMPORTANT once you loaded the complete grid AND before you start adding components
End Sub
Sub ConnectFooterFixed(page As ABMPage)
Dim ScreenWidth As Int = gbl.GetScreenWidth(page)
If ScreenWidth < 601 Then
page.IsFixedFooter = False
page.PaddingBottom = 0
End If
Dim lbl2 As ABMLabel
lbl2.Initialize(page, "footlbl2", "TaskPro Copyright @1995-1999 / Simple Service Schedular @Copyright 2021", ABM.SIZE_SMALL, False, "normal")
What I want is a single line and the text to be centered. What I am getting is this: (Extra line break and not centered)
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