B4J Question [ABMaterial] Use session data before page is send to user?


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I want to show some session related data to the user.
I tried to do this in the Buildpage method this way:
Dim lblUserID As ABMLAbel
lblUserID.Initialize(page, "lblUserID", page.ws.Session.GetAttribute("userid"), ABM.SIZE_H1, False, "")

However, this won't work, as page.ws.Session returns a Null in this stage of the ABM page loading process.

I fixed it by creating an empty label, and in the Websocket_Connected event I put:
Dim lblUserID As ABMLabel = page.Component("lblUserID")
lblUserID.Text = page.ws.Session.GetAttribute("userid")

This works fine, except that a user sees a empty webpage for half a second, and then the data is injected onto the page. Expected, but I don't think that's a very elegant solution. Is there a way to get session data before the page is send to the user?

If this is impossible, is there a way to show some kind of loading animation while the webpage is still busy connecting to the websocket?

Thanks for any help provided.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Put the label build in the ConnectPage() - not the BuildPage() ...
BuildPage happens before the Websocket is connected.
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