Android Question AdBuddiz Manifest entry and the CameraEx Class


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Hi guys,

Half way into the develop of my app, I stepped into a huge wall :/

I want to monetize my app using AdBuddiz so I registered it on them, and followed the recommended steps, all works fine... until I started using CameraEx... I have made a few test, and found that, if I use the manifest line needed to show the adds, CameraEx gets ignored completely.
Proof of this is that, when CameraEx is correctly used, the image rotation value is loged by the class itself.
When WITHOUT the manifest entry, all works as it should.

Please advise, anyone having similar issues?

After a bit of more fiddling around, I found that, if I try to show an ad at the end of Activity_Create, the CameraEx doen't get properly initiated.
I tried the right after the ad.initialize as well as at the very end of activity_create. both gave me same result.
BUT, if I show the ad on activity_pause, It wil work properly.
Side note: showing the ads was never an issue, its the correct init of cameraExclass that seems to fail in certain circumstances.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi guys,

Half way into the develop of my app, I stepped into a huge wall :/

I want to monetize my app using AdBuddiz so I registered it on them, and followed the recommended steps, all works fine... until I started using CameraEx... I have made a few test, and found that, if I use the manifest line needed to show the adds, CameraEx gets ignored completely.
Proof of this is that, when CameraEx is correctly used, the image rotation value is loged by the class itself.
When WITHOUT the manifest entry, all works as it should.

Please advise, anyone having similar issues?

my advice: use admob :D
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Longtime User
I would but I lost my registration data, so cannot access my account, also, they never answered my e-mails, and I do not want to create a new account just for that.
I like the client support of AdBuddiz
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Licensed User
Longtime User
if you want i can contact them from my dashboard and maybe they will get back to you. just pm me your gmail
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Ilan, but for time being, I'll leave it as it is
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Clara AdBuddiz

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi guys,

Half way into the develop of my app, I stepped into a huge wall :/

I want to monetize my app using AdBuddiz so I registered it on them, and followed the recommended steps, all works fine... until I started using CameraEx... I have made a few test, and found that, if I use the manifest line needed to show the adds, CameraEx gets ignored completely.
Proof of this is that, when CameraEx is correctly used, the image rotation value is loged by the class itself.
When WITHOUT the manifest entry, all works as it should.

Please advise, anyone having similar issues?

Hi Cableguy,

AdBuddiz ad is an Android Activity, which means whenever you display an ad, the current activity is paused and when the ad is hidden it is resumed. I'm not an Basic4android expert, nor do I know CameraEx, but I think one issue could be that CameraEx is successfully paused but not resumed. Does it work when you use CameraEx before displaying an ad?

By the way, don't hesitate to contact [email protected] directly for faster replies ;)
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