My sub checks, if a marker is inizialized or not. If not, the marker is add to the googlemap-card. If yes, i only change the position of the marker.
The problem I have, that after removing the marker with marker1().remove, the marker is no longer shown in the map, but it seems, that the removed marker is always inizialized. If I start my sub Marker_einzeichnen, the marker could not be add again to the map, I only can change the position of the 'removed' marker.
How can I set the removed marker to uninizialized?
The problem I have, that after removing the marker with marker1().remove, the marker is no longer shown in the map, but it seems, that the removed marker is always inizialized. If I start my sub Marker_einzeichnen, the marker could not be add again to the map, I only can change the position of the 'removed' marker.
How can I set the removed marker to uninizialized?
Sub Process_Globals
Public Map1 As Map
Public Marker1(150) As Marker
End Sub
Sub Marker_einzeichnen
Dim Zaehler As Int=0
For Each key As String In Map1.Keys
Dim Liste As List
If Marker1(Zaehler).IsInitialized=True Then
Dim ll As LatLng
ll.Initialize(Liste.Get(4)/100000, Liste.Get(5)/100000)
Marker1(Zaehler)=GoogleMap1.AddMarker2(Liste.Get(4)/100000, Liste.Get(5)/100000, key, GoogleMap1.HUE_RED)
End If
End Sub
Sub Marker_loeschen
For i=0 To Map1.size-1
End Sub