I can't seem to work out what I am doing wrong with the following code.
I am trying to add 10% to the Price value, but it's doesn't seem to be working and can't work out what I am doing wrong.
Anyone know where I have gone wrong ?
I can't seem to work out what I am doing wrong with the following code.
I am trying to add 10% to the Price value, but it's doesn't seem to be working and can't work out what I am doing wrong.
Dim Price As Int = 5.50
Dim PriceTax As Int
Dim PriceTotal As Int
PriceTax = (Price * 0.10)
PriceTotal = (Price + PriceTax)
Log($"Price = ${Price}"$) ' logs 5 but should be 5.50
Log($"PriceTax = ${PriceTax}"$) ' logs 0 and should log 0.55
Log($"PriceTotal = ${PriceTotal}"$) ' logs 5 and should log 6.05
Anyone know where I have gone wrong ?