Using the code below I always get the same date and time
It doesn't matter what code I put in, this is just an example. This code renames a file to new current day and time (without all of the extra characters that mess things up). So, am I using the DateTime wrong? Why does it always return the same date and time?
It doesn't matter what code I put in, this is just an example. This code renames a file to new current day and time (without all of the extra characters that mess things up). So, am I using the DateTime wrong? Why does it always return the same date and time?
'rename pic to current date and time
Dim NewFN, OldFN As String
Dim RenameBefore, RenameAfter, RenameAfter1, RenameAfter2 As String
Dim now As Long
RenameBefore = ExpPicFilename
RenameAfter1 = DateTime.GetYear(now) & "Y-" & DateTime.GetMonth(now) & "M-" & DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(now) & "D_"
RenameAfter2 = DateTime.GetHour(now) & "H-" & DateTime.GetMinute(now) & "M-" & DateTime.GetSecond(now) & "S"
RenameAfter = RenameAfter1 & RenameAfter2
OldFN = (ExpPicFilepath & RenameBefore)
NewFN = (ExpPicFilepath & RenameAfter & ".jpg")
RenameFile(File.DirRootExternal, OldFN, File.DirRootExternal, NewFN)
ExpPicFilename = RenameAfter
Msgbox("Picture that was associated to the deleted record was renamed to: " & RenameAfter, "")