I am nearing the end of a project yet find an odd bug.
Using a simple counter I show each time the GPS locationchanged fires.
The number increase isn't linear over time, it slowly speeds up, counting about 1 per sec to start, then after a couple of hundred counts clicks over at 2 a second, then 4 a second, until the program after about 30 mins to an hour crashes.
If I close the program and restart it it will continue at the same rate preclose unless I flush the RAM before restarting.
Has anyone else experienced this?
On a Samsung Galaxy S2
There are no calls to GPS_LocationChanged from any other part of the program.
Sub GPS_LocationChanged (Loc As Location)
GPSLocationChangedcounter = GPSLocationChangedcounter + 1
activity.Title =" GPS Active " & GPSLocationChangedcounter
Using a simple counter I show each time the GPS locationchanged fires.
The number increase isn't linear over time, it slowly speeds up, counting about 1 per sec to start, then after a couple of hundred counts clicks over at 2 a second, then 4 a second, until the program after about 30 mins to an hour crashes.
If I close the program and restart it it will continue at the same rate preclose unless I flush the RAM before restarting.
Has anyone else experienced this?
On a Samsung Galaxy S2
There are no calls to GPS_LocationChanged from any other part of the program.
Sub GPS_LocationChanged (Loc As Location)
GPSLocationChangedcounter = GPSLocationChangedcounter + 1
activity.Title =" GPS Active " & GPSLocationChangedcounter
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