On Android 13, this code does not work.
I send the post to the page but for some reason, it stops obtaining the answer for server on android 13. All previous Android versions work perfectly.
Can anyone help?
I send the post to the page but for some reason, it stops obtaining the answer for server on android 13. All previous Android versions work perfectly.
Can anyone help?
Dim xml As String
Dim p As Phone
Dim str_id As String
Dim str_fabricante As String
Dim str_Modelo As String
' Comando
comando_em_curso = 3
Dim HttpRequestClass As OkHttpRequest
Dim HttpClientClass As OkHttpClient
' Tem ligação à internet?
If rotinas.CheckConnection = False Then
End If
'Android_ID do equipamento
str_id = p.GetSettings("android_id")
str_fabricante = p.Manufacturer
str_Modelo = p.Model
xml = "<LIC>"
xml = xml & "<SO>Android</SO>" ' Sistema operativo (SO)
xml = xml & "<VO>" & rotinas.GetSDKversion & "</VO>" ' Versão Do sistema operativo (VO)
xml = xml & "<CA>" & "</CA>" ' Chave actual de ativação (CA) ChaveActivacaoPOS
xml = xml & "<TL>12</TL>" ' Tipo de licença (TL) - 12 meses
xml = xml & "<CP>PT</CP>" ' Código Do pais (CP)
xml = xml & "<NE>" & lic_Designacao & "</NE>" ' Nome da empresa (NE)
xml = xml & "<CC>" & lic_Contribuinte & "</CC>" ' Contribuinte (CC)
xml = xml & "<NC>" & lic_NomeContacto & "</NC>" ' Nome Do contacto (NC)
xml = xml & "<TC>" & lic_Telemovel & "</TC>" ' Telefone (TC)
xml = xml & "<EM>" & lic_Email & "</EM>" ' Email (EM)
xml = xml & "<ID>" & str_id & "</ID>" ' ID Do equipamento (ID)
xml = xml & "<FB>" & str_fabricante & "</FB>" ' Fabricante Do aparelho (FB)
xml = xml & "<MD>" & str_Modelo & "</MD>" ' Modelo Do equipamento (MD)
xml = xml & "<PR>40</PR>" ' Produto 486TAXI (PR)
xml = xml & "<NP>" & CodigoPedido & "</NP>" ' Numero Do pedido (NP)
xml = xml & "<OP>2</OP>" ' Operação 1=Requer, 2=Cancela (OP)
xml = xml & "</LIC>"
HttpRequestClass.InitializePost2("https://486invoice.com/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.php", xml.GetBytes("UTF8"))
HttpRequestClass.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8")
HttpRequestClass.Timeout = 500000
Log("Vou fazer o HttpClientClass.Execute")
HttpClientClass.Execute(HttpRequestClass, 5000)
End Sub
Sub HttpClientClass_ResponseError (Response As OkHttpResponse, Reason As String, StatusCode As Int, TaskId As Int)
Msgbox("Erro nas comunicações: " & Reason,Main.pg_486software)
End Sub
Sub HttpClientClass_ResponseSuccess (Response As OkHttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
Response.GetAsynchronously("res", out_httpClasse, False, TaskId)
End Sub
Sub res_StreamFinish (Success As Boolean, TaskId As Int)
Dim resultSoapXML As String
Dim novo_prefixo As String
Dim xletra As String
Dim letras_permitidas As String
Dim sql_txt As String
Dim rs As Cursor
Dim tem_movimentos As Int
Dim xusr As cls_Utilizador
Dim xcod As String
Dim tem_pontes As Int
Dim cod_taxa_iva As Int
Dim xart_ponte As cls_Artigo
Log("res_StreamFinish success:" & Success)
If Success Then
resultSoapXML = BytesToString(out_httpClasse.ToBytesArray, 0, out_httpClasse.ToBytesArray.Length, "utf8")