Hi all,
Some of us come from the C world, programming microcontrollers/embedded sytems, and then have found such a great tool as B4A is. So, as this is my case, I wondered if it is possible to program only in B4A + C
The "normal" way to do it (specially if the C part has already been developed and is "closed") is building a small JAR library which wraps the .so file and then use it from B4A code.
But sometimes both parts (B4A and NDK-C) are being developed at once, in an endless trial-and-error loop. So, this part is longer and tedious (specially with eclipse)
With inline Java, it is possible to avoid this "external" wrapping and do it inside your project. Of course, the C files are to be built with the NDK environment which must be previously set-up
Also (but it requires a tricky setup) C files can be edited in the B4A IDE so you can have only one working environment
If someone finds it interesting I can write a small tutorial/example about it.
Some of us come from the C world, programming microcontrollers/embedded sytems, and then have found such a great tool as B4A is. So, as this is my case, I wondered if it is possible to program only in B4A + C
The "normal" way to do it (specially if the C part has already been developed and is "closed") is building a small JAR library which wraps the .so file and then use it from B4A code.
But sometimes both parts (B4A and NDK-C) are being developed at once, in an endless trial-and-error loop. So, this part is longer and tedious (specially with eclipse)
With inline Java, it is possible to avoid this "external" wrapping and do it inside your project. Of course, the C files are to be built with the NDK environment which must be previously set-up
Also (but it requires a tricky setup) C files can be edited in the B4A IDE so you can have only one working environment
If someone finds it interesting I can write a small tutorial/example about it.