Android Question aPOI

Sergio Haurat

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@DonManfred, I hope I don't bother you with the question but the only alternative I found that works to generate excel files on Android was yours. As far as you can see the code is out of date and in my project when I use it in debug mode it works, however when I compile the code in release mode, on completion of saving the file it stops working.

Do you have any intention of updating it in the short term? I have seen that @Erel has XLUtil but it is only for B4J.

Thank you very much for your time

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Sergio Haurat

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Here is the code I'm using to try to save the B4XTable output to an Excel file. The procedure works until you finish saving the file by using the Write2 function


Players.xlsx template attached

Calling WriteTableToExcel:
Dim strFile As String = "PSAHB " & lblFed.Text & " " & lblClub.Text & " " & Starter.app_genero & " " & Starter.app_Cat & ".xlsx"
Dim ph As Phone 'phone lib
If ph.SdkVersion = 33 Then
End If
Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result = True Then
  mdlFunctions.WriteTableToExcel("Players.xlsx", dgvView, strFile, True)
End If
xls Declaration:
Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Private xls As XSSFWorkbook
End Sub
Public Sub WriteTableToExcel(xlsBase As String, objTbl As B4XTable, strOutFile As String, blnShowToast As Boolean)
        If File.Exists(File.DirInternal, xlsBase) Then
            File.Delete(File.DirInternal, xlsBase)
        End If
        File.Copy(File.DirAssets, xlsBase, File.DirInternal, xlsBase)
        xls.Initialize("", File.Combine(File.DirInternal, xlsBase))
        Dim sheet As XLSSheet = xls.getSheetAt(0)
        Dim row As XSSFRow
        Dim mapRow As Map
        Dim intCnt As Int = 1
        Dim cell As XSSFCell
        Dim tblCol As B4XTableColumn
        row = sheet.createRow(1)
        For intCol = 0 To objTbl.Columns.Size - 1
            cell = row.createCell(intCol)
            tblCol = objTbl.Columns.Get(intCol)
            cell.StringCellValue = tblCol.Id
        For intRow = 1 To objTbl.Size
            row = sheet.createRow(intRow + 1)
            mapRow = objTbl.GetRow(intRow)
            intCnt = 0
            For Each strKey As String In mapRow.Keys
                cell = row.createCell(intCnt)
                cell.StringCellValue = mapRow.Get(Starter.loc.Localize(strKey))
                intCnt = intCnt + 1
        If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal,"/Documents/" & strOutFile) Then
            File.Delete(File.DirRootExternal,"/Documents/" & strOutFile)
        End If
        xls.write2(File.DirRootExternal,"/Documents/" & strOutFile)
        If blnShowToast Then
            ToastMessageShow(Starter.loc.Localize("export_dgv_ok"), True)
        End If
        If blnShowToast Then
            ToastMessageShow(LastException, True)
        End If
    End Try
    If File.Exists(File.DirInternal, xlsBase) Then
        File.Delete(File.DirInternal, xlsBase)
    End If
End Sub


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Sergio Haurat

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I'm not an expert in this area, but if @Erel says not to use File.DirRootExternal then I would not use it and replace references to it with XUI.DefaultFolder. I don't believe having subfolders removes the problem.

But from observing the various threads on locations for storage folders which allow convenient user access it may be that you may need to use GetSafeDirDefaultExternal, although with Android's changing permissions some more Forum searching may be required to determine if this is still appropriate.
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Sergio Haurat

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I have made all these changes..., the problem exists only when compiling the application in release mode

- Some code segments were changed for better interpretation.
- SaveXLSXAs is fired by the _TabClick event of AS TabMenuAdvanced
Nomal B4X Page
Private Sub btnTabMenu_TabClick (Index As Int)
    Select Case btnTabMenu.GetTab(Index).xTab.Tag
        Case "fed"
            btnTabMenu.GetTab(1).xTab.Enabled = False
            btnTabMenu.GetTab(2).xTab.Enabled = False
            btnTabMenu.Index = 0
            cmn_lst_federaciones 'Loads all federations and shows them
        Case "club"
            btnTabMenu.GetTab(2).xTab.Enabled = False
            btnTabMenu.Index = 1
            cmn_lst_clubes 'Loads all the clubs of the selected federation and shows them
        Case "people"
            btnTabMenu.Index = 2
            cmn_lst_personas 'Loads all members of that federation from that club and lists them in the B4XTable
        Case "saveToFile"
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub SaveXLSXAs()
    Dim strFile As String = "PSAHB.xlsx"
    Wait For (mdlFunctions.WriteTableToExcel("Players.xlsx", dgvView, strFile)) Complete (Success As Boolean)
    If Success Then
            Dim saveFile As SaveAsDialog
            Wait For (saveFile.SaveAs(File.OpenInput(File.DirInternal, strFile), "application/octet-stream", Application.LabelName)) Complete (Success As Boolean)
            ToastMessageShow("File saved", False)
            ToastMessageShow(LastException, True)
        End Try
    End If
End Sub

mdlFunctions file:
Sub Process_Globals
    Private xls As XSSFWorkbook
End Sub
Public Sub WriteTableToExcel(xlsBase As String, objTbl As B4XTable, strOutFile As String) As ResumableSub
        File.Copy(File.DirAssets, xlsBase, File.DirInternal, xlsBase)
        xls.Initialize("", File.Combine(File.DirInternal, xlsBase))
        Dim sheet As XLSSheet = xls.getSheetAt(0)
        Dim row As XSSFRow
        Dim mapRow As Map
        Dim intCnt As Int = 1
        Dim cell As XSSFCell
        Dim tblCol As B4XTableColumn
        row = sheet.createRow(1)
        For intCol = 0 To objTbl.Columns.Size - 1
            cell = row.createCell(intCol)
            tblCol = objTbl.Columns.Get(intCol)
            cell.StringCellValue = tblCol.Id
        For intRow = 1 To objTbl.Size
            row = sheet.createRow(intRow + 1)
            mapRow = objTbl.GetRow(intRow)
            intCnt = 0
            For Each strKey As String In mapRow.Keys
                cell = row.createCell(intCnt)
                cell.StringCellValue = mapRow.Get(Starter.loc.Localize(strKey))
                intCnt = intCnt + 1
        xls.write2(File.DirInternal, strOutFile)
        Return True
        Return False
    End Try
End Sub

Code in SaveAsDialog:
Sub Class_Globals
    Private ion As Object
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

Public Sub SaveAs (Source As InputStream, MimeType As String, Title As String) As ResumableSub
    Dim intent As Intent
    intent.Initialize("android.intent.action.CREATE_DOCUMENT", "")
    intent.PutExtra("android.intent.extra.TITLE", Title)
    Wait For ion_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
    If -1 = Args(0) Then 'resultCode = RESULT_OK
        Dim result As Intent = Args(1)
        Dim jo As JavaObject = result
        Dim ctxt As JavaObject
        Dim out As OutputStream = ctxt.InitializeContext.RunMethodJO("getContentResolver", Null).RunMethod("openOutputStream", Array(jo.RunMethod("getData", Null)))
        File.Copy2(Source, out)
        Return True
    End If
    Return False
End Sub

Private Sub StartActivityForResult(i As Intent)
    Dim jo As JavaObject = GetBA
    ion = jo.CreateEvent("anywheresoftware.b4a.IOnActivityResult", "ion", Null)
    jo.RunMethod("startActivityForResult", Array(ion, i))
End Sub

Private Sub GetBA As Object
    Dim jo As JavaObject = Me
    Return jo.RunMethod("getBA", Null)
End Sub
Logger connected to: motorola motorola edge 30 pro
--------- beginning of main
*** Service (starter) Create ***
Device locale: es
Found 66 strings.
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create (first time) **
Found 66 strings.
*** mainpage: B4XPage_Created
*** mainpage: B4XPage_Appear
** Activity (main) Resume **
*** Receiver (httputils2service) Receive (first time) ***
*** frmxfilter: B4XPage_Created [mainpage]
*** mainpage: B4XPage_Disappear [mainpage]
*** frmxfilter: B4XPage_Appear [mainpage]
java.lang.Exception: Sub _written was not found.
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

Attache the output file in debug mode. I have commented out the line to save the file and in release mode and it keeps crashing


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Sergio Haurat

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Sub _written was not found.
I do not have a Sub called like this in all the code, for me it is inside aPOI and I get to capture the error because I am executing inside a Try

In the original example it talks about saving a stream with the function .Write(stream, file) or something like that. In the reality of aPOI, there is only the Write2 function that you must indicate the directory and the file.

Version 08 has .Write, version 11 only Write2.
Captura de pantalla 2023-07-26 014125.png
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Sergio Haurat

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Problem solved. Something is not right in version 11, I have replaced with 08 and made the same changes to my code as inside the example.

@DonManfred The problem is in the aPOI library version 11
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