mark foster
New Member
Came across this website today whilst searching for app software.
I am seeking assistance on getting either an app made or making it myself. We are a non profit charity which offers yoga classes and therapies to the community. Ideally we would like to offer an app that people can put on their phones which gives them access to the timetable so it would show them what is happening per day/week just like a calender but would also allow us to send them updates/notifications of new events, cancelled classes etc.
I would appreciate advice and assistance in if this is possible and if there is something already out there that could be used to do this ideally something that could be themed. If I was to build it myself is there already pre-built parts that you could recommend?
Or if this is going to be quite complex considering the update/notifications part of it would you be able to make the app and what would be your quote.
Thanks for all advice and assistance.
Came across this website today whilst searching for app software.
I am seeking assistance on getting either an app made or making it myself. We are a non profit charity which offers yoga classes and therapies to the community. Ideally we would like to offer an app that people can put on their phones which gives them access to the timetable so it would show them what is happening per day/week just like a calender but would also allow us to send them updates/notifications of new events, cancelled classes etc.
I would appreciate advice and assistance in if this is possible and if there is something already out there that could be used to do this ideally something that could be themed. If I was to build it myself is there already pre-built parts that you could recommend?
Or if this is going to be quite complex considering the update/notifications part of it would you be able to make the app and what would be your quote.
Thanks for all advice and assistance.