I have used the cl_appupdate code in other projects without a problem but any new projects don't seem to be working. I have narrowed it down to the fact that getting the version number does not fire the jobdone event. I am giving it a path to a txt file and when I type this path directly into the browser I see the version fine. It is in this section in the cl_appupdating code:
Public Sub ReadWebVN
Log("---- AppUpdating.ReadWebVN")
' check whether NewVerTxt file was declared
If sNewVerTxt = "" Then
sStatusCode = ERR_NOTXT
If sVerbose Then Log(TAB & "missing txt file full path indication")
webver = ""
End If
Dim job1 As HttpJob
'Send a GET request
job1.Initialize("JobWebVNonly", Me) <---- I never get to the jobdone subroutine.
job1.Username = sUserName
job1.Password = sUPassword
End Sub