Android Question App won't StartAtBoot


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I have a simple App to test StartAtBoot. It has a service module with the StartAtBoot attribute set to True and StartService(Starter) in its Sub Service_Start. It has the Starter Module with no additions/changes to the standard framework and a Main module with Activity.LoadLayout("Main") in Sub Activity_Create. Why doesn't this start when the device is turned on? Note: I've attached a zip of the file.


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Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
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StartService(Starter) is not needed and is ignored.

For me the sample works like expected.
If you will add #BridgeLogger : True in Activity and will reboot a smartphone, you will see in Log
** Receiver (startup) OnReceive **
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Service (startup) Create **
** Service (startup) Start **
** Service (starter) Start **

What did you expect ? If you want to see main form after reboot, you must add StartActivity (Main) inside the service.
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StartService(Starter) is not needed and is ignored.

For me the sample works like expected.
If you will add #BridgeLogger : True in Activity and will reboot a smartphone, you will see in Log
** Receiver (startup) OnReceive **
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Service (startup) Create **
** Service (startup) Start **
** Service (starter) Start **

What did you expect ? If you want to see main form after reboot, you must add StartActivity (Main) inside the service.

Yes I did want to see main form after reboot and by adding StartActivity(''Main") in Starter I now see it. (I thought I had read that the Starter goes to the Main after running so didn't need to put StartActivity("Main") in the Starter. Also removed unnecessary StartService(Starter as you suggested. Works fine now. Thanks!
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