Thank you so much Steve. Nevertheless, I always had an error message with "P.CreatePageLayout". Then I found an example at William Lancee that finally helped me. Below is my complete code. Thanks again.
' Drucken über FX8 ----------------------------------------------
Dim PrList As List = Printer_Static.GetAllPrinters
For Each Pr As Printer In PrList
' Log(Pr.GetName)
If Pr.GetName.StartsWith(DRucken.druckername) Then Exit 'printer name is any string variable - printer name
Ausdruckform.Druckbon.Text=Druckbon 'any text
Dim PJ As PrinterJob = PrinterJob_Static.CreatePrinterJob2(Pr)
Private PL As PageLayout = Pr.CreatePageLayout(Pr.GetPrinterAttributes.GetDefaultPaper, PageOrientation_Static.PORTRAIT, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)