Hi, guys --
The constructor requires AttributeSet as parameter.
Due to clear reasons, I don't want to use xml. To describe methods in attributeset constructor is very lazy (hundreds lines).
Does somebody try to convert "xml"-string with attributes to Attributeset ? For example, using XmlPullParser ?
Just now I try to create an analog of following xml:
I assembled some fragments, found in Internet --
This "works", but when I attempt to execute
I get an error
Guess, I made a lot of mistakes in Java code. First of all, it's not clear, what exactly I need to pass to StringReader
The constructor requires AttributeSet as parameter.
Due to clear reasons, I don't want to use xml. To describe methods in attributeset constructor is very lazy (hundreds lines).
Does somebody try to convert "xml"-string with attributes to Attributeset ? For example, using XmlPullParser ?
Just now I try to create an analog of following xml:
I assembled some fragments, found in Internet --
XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance ();
XmlPullParser parser = factory.newPullParser ();
parser.setInput (new StringReader ("<attribute xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\" " +
"android:layout_width=\"fill_parent\" android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\" " +
"android:layout_alignParentBottom=\"true\" " +
"android:layout_centerHorizontal=\"true\" " +
"android:focusable=\"true\" " +
"android:focusableInTouchMode=\"true\" " +
"android:visibility=\"gone\" " +
int eventType = parser.getEventType();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT)
if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_DOCUMENT)
BA.Log ("Start document");
else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG)
BA.Log ("Start tag " + parser.getName ());
else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG)
BA.Log ("End tag " + parser.getName ());
else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT)
BA.Log ("Text " + parser.getText ());
eventType = parser.next ();
BA.Log ("End document");
AttributeSet attributes = Xml.asAttributeSet (parser);
This "works", but when I attempt to execute
mKeyboardView = new KeyboardView (this, attributes);
I get an error
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.util.XmlPullAttributes cannot be cast to android.content.res.XmlBlock$Parser
Guess, I made a lot of mistakes in Java code. First of all, it's not clear, what exactly I need to pass to StringReader
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