B4J Code Snippet Audio Input device detector


I have been searching for the last 3 days for a quick code to get a list of Audio Input devices (Microphones) on the system
and display it in a Combo-box.

Finally, have managed to put together a small example to do this, using In-line Java.

Uploading the application source code, as a ZIP file.
(Hope it helps someone like me, who is not very good at Java) ;)

Cheers! ?


  • Audio.zip
    2.9 KB · Views: 364


Licensed User
Longtime User
Cool. I used a ffmpeg utility in the past to get this on Windows.

Works fine on Windows but also on my Mac with Catalina.


Active Member
Licensed User
Cool. I used a ffmpeg utility in the past to get this on Windows.

Works fine on Windows but also on my Mac with Catalina.

Thanks for testing it out, Moster67 !
Appreciate it.

Incidentally, I am using this to pass the Audio device name to FFMPEG!!! :)
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