Android Tutorial Audio Ringbuffer

if you want to build instant music in apps from single sounds, it is important that the samples are absolutely synchron and perfect in timing. So you should send one single stream to the system where all the sounds and instruments and effects are already placed.

Here I demonstrate how to combine sounds to a stream in a ringbuffer. A timer steps through this ringbuffer and sends the current chunk to the AudioStreamer to feed it just in time in the very last moment.

the code in the STARTER module is very short and only tranfers the samples to the AudioStreamer:
Sub Process_Globals
    Public AudioOut As AudioStreamer
End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy
End Sub

public Sub SendToAudio(Bytes() As Byte)
End Sub

Sub Restart(Hertz As Int)
End Sub

The AudioRingBuffer-Module

Sub Process_Globals
    Private Converter As ByteConverter
    Private Interval, BufferSize, Hertz, ChunkSize, ReadPoint, LastNow As Int
    Private StartTime As Long
    Private RingBuffer(Hertz*BufferSize) As Short ' where to combine all samples
End Sub
We need Short-Arrays to combine the samples and the ByteConverter to bring it in the format for the AudioStreamer

A timer in MAIN will call every 20msec the function SendAudio() to feed the AudioStreamer:
Sub SendAudio
    Dim RingChunk(ChunkSize) As Short
    Dim Now As Long=DateTime.Now-StartTime
    Do While Now>LastNow
        'copy samples from ringbuffer to temp. buffer
        For i=0 To ChunkSize-1
        ' forward the read point and time
        ReadPoint=(ReadPoint + ChunkSize) Mod RingBuffer.Length
        'convert ringbuffer audio and send it
        Private AudioOutBytes() As Byte =Converter.ShortsToBytes(RingChunk)
End Sub
This will send a 20msec-chunk (=480 shorts = 960bytes) to the AudioStreamer and if necessary a second one. Because the Timer() is not exact enough, we need to calculate the time from DateTime.Now()

The sending consists of three steps: first step is fetching the chunk from the RingBuffer. Second step is calculating the starting points for the next call of SendAudio(). Last Step is converting the chunk into bytes and sending it to the AudioStreamer.

Tricky: It is important that the Ringbuffer-Size is a multiple of the Chunk size. So I do not have to care about array limits during the FOR/NEXT-loop! This makes the transfer faster. As long as you use a multiple of 1000 for the sample rate, f.e. 24000 you can select any value for the interval that calls the SendAudio() from 1msec to 100msec. 1msec of interval means a chunk size of 24 shorts sended to the audioStreamer each time. 10msec means 240 shorts, etc...
To prevent a break of the audio stream you need a latency buffer. This means at the beginning you send more than one chunk to the AudioStreamer. In this sample I take 4 chunks. This is realized by setting the reading point to zero, but setting the time to minus 4 times of the interval. This has the effect, that the SendAudio() will send 4 chunks at the beginning at once:
Public Sub ReStartRingBuffer
    ' this brings additional latency buffer

    ' clear the ringbuffer array
    Dim EmptyBuffer(Hertz*BufferSize) As Short
End Sub

The second important function JoinSamples() is for bringing your sounds into the RingBuffer:
Sub JoinSample(Sample() As Short, Time As Int, Volume As Float)

    ' calculate ring buffer write position
    Time =Time Mod (BufferSize*1000)
    Dim WritePoint As Int=Time*Hertz/1000
    Dim RealWritePos As Int

    ' add sample to the ringbuffer
    For i = 0 To Sample.Length-1
        RealWritePos=(WritePoint+i) Mod RingBuffer.Length
        RingBuffer(RealWritePos)=RingBuffer(RealWritePos) + Sample(i)*Volume
End Sub
It is called from your main code and transfers a Sound as a Short-Array. The Time variable tells (in msec) when the sound should be played or say "where the sound should be placed in the ringbuffer". The time is divided by the maximum length of the ring buffer. BufferSize is the size of the Ringbuffer in sec. WritePoint is the physical position in the buffer related to the time position.

In the second part all samples of the sound are added to the ringbuffer. The formula is a simple Addition of existing buffer value plus the sample. As you see you can simply add a "volume"-factor (0.0 to1.0) now to adjust the volume of the sound. You have to care about overrun. So you need a RealWritePosition to always stay in the buffer's range.

This code is not optimized to speed, but optimized to teach the algorithm. And the final code needs a lot more code lines to prevent crashes, etc...

I link a ZIP-file with the complete AudioRingBuffer module and a calling MAIN-module and it also contains some test-sounds. This example is completely executable and you can play around with it. You will first hear a Drum-loop, then a piano joins, and then audience will give applause.


This are the complete modules:
The AudioRingBuffer-Module
Sub Process_Globals
    Private Converter As ByteConverter
    Private Interval, BufferSize, Hertz, ChunkSize, ReadPoint, LastNow As Int
    Private StartTime As Long
    Private RingBuffer(Hertz*BufferSize) As Short ' where to combine all samples
End Sub

Sub SendAudio
    Dim RingChunk(ChunkSize) As Short
    Dim Now As Long=DateTime.Now-StartTime
    Do While Now>LastNow
        'copy samples from ringbuffer to temp. buffer
        For i=0 To ChunkSize-1
        ' forward the read point and time
        ReadPoint=(ReadPoint + ChunkSize) Mod RingBuffer.Length
        'convert ringbuffer audio and send it
        Private AudioOutBytes() As Byte =Converter.ShortsToBytes(RingChunk)
End Sub

public Sub FirstStart(NewInterval As Int, NewBufferSize As Int, NewHertz As Int)
    If Main.AudioTimer.IsInitialized=True Then Return
      Interval = NewInterval   ' how often will be transfered
    BufferSize = NewBufferSize ' buffer is big enough for x sec of audio
         Hertz = NewHertz      ' audio files sample rate
     ChunkSize = Hertz/1000*Interval ' Samples per Interval to transfer

    If (RingBuffer.Length Mod ChunkSize) <> 0 Then
        Log("ringbuffer's size must be: (N * chunksize) !!!")
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub ReStartRingBuffer
    ' this brings additional latency buffer

    ' clear the ringbuffer array
    Dim EmptyBuffer(Hertz*BufferSize) As Short
End Sub

Sub JoinSample(Sample() As Short, Time As Int, Volume As Float)
    Dim Now As Long=DateTime.Now-StartTime
    Dim MaxLength As Int=BufferSize*Hertz-2*ChunkSize
    ' sample is to big:
    If Sample.Length>MaxLength Then Return
    ' sample starts to much in future:
    If (Sample.Length/Hertz*1000+Time-Now) > MaxLength Then Return

    'sample is already delayed, send it immediately
    If Time<Now+2*Interval Then
        Log("to late")
    End If

    ' calculate ring buffer write position
    Time =Time Mod (BufferSize*1000)
    Dim WritePoint As Int=Time*Hertz/1000
    Dim RealWritePos As Int

    ' add sample to the ringbuffer
    For i = 0 To Sample.Length-1
        RealWritePos=(WritePoint+i) Mod RingBuffer.Length
        RingBuffer(RealWritePos)=RingBuffer(RealWritePos) + Sample(i)*Volume
End Sub

The Main-Module
#Region  Project Attributes
    #ApplicationLabel: B4A Example
    #VersionCode: 1
    'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
    #SupportedOrientations: unspecified
    #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

#Region  Activity Attributes
    #FullScreen: False
    #IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
#ApplicationLabel: Ringbuffer TEMP

Sub Process_Globals
    Type SoundTyp(Sample() As Short )
    Type MusicEventTyp(SoundNr, Intervall, NextTime As Int, Volume As Float)

    Private Converter As ByteConverter
    Public PlayTimer, AudioTimer As Timer
    Private StartTime As Long
    Private SoundTime As Int

    Private Music As List 'MusicEventTyp
    Private Sound(7) As SoundTyp
End Sub

Sub Globals
    Private Button1 As Button

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    AudioRingBuffer.FirstStart(20, 8, 24000)  ' feed audio every 20msec, 8sec ring-buffer, 24kHz sampling rate
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub AudioTimer_Tick
End Sub

Sub LoadAudioSample(FileName As String) As Short()
    Dim WAV As RandomAccessFile
    Dim Size As Int= File.Size(File.DirInternal, FileName)-44
    Dim ByteBuffer(Size) As Byte
    WAV.Initialize(File.DirInternal, FileName,True)
    Dim ShortBuffer() As Short=Converter.ShortsFromBytes(ByteBuffer)
    Return ShortBuffer
End Sub

Sub PlayTimer_Tick
    Dim now As Long = DateTime.Now-StartTime ' latency
    For Each loc As MusicEventTyp In Music
        If loc.NextTime<now+1000 Then
            AudioRingBuffer.JoinSample(Sound(loc.SoundNr).Sample, loc.NextTime,  loc.volume )
            loc.NextTime= loc.NextTime + loc.Intervall
        End If

End Sub

Sub DefineMusic
End Sub

Sub Init(Nr As Int, Start As Int, Interval As Int, Volume As Float) As MusicEventTyp
    Dim loc As MusicEventTyp
End Sub

The Starter-Module
#Region  Service Attributes
    #StartAtBoot: False
    #ExcludeFromLibrary: True
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Public AudioOut As AudioStreamer
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
    'This is the program entry point.
    'This is a good place to load resources that are not specific to a single activity.

End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
    Service.StopAutomaticForeground 'Starter service can start in the foreground state in some edge cases.
End Sub

Sub Service_TaskRemoved
    'This event will be raised when the user removes the app from the recent apps list.
End Sub
Sub Application_Error (Error As Exception, StackTrace As String) As Boolean
    Return True
End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy
End Sub

public Sub SendToAudio(Bytes() As Byte)
End Sub

Sub Restart(Hertz As Int)
End Sub
Last edited:


Active Member
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Longtime User
This is very useful for music making app. Thanks for sharing. Currently I am also making an engine using Audiotrack and Threading. Could I assume the thread driven one is more robust than the timer driven one due to the inaccurate/low priority timer? I spent more time though to manage the dynamical tempo change and the sample sound length larger than audio buffer size situation for this thread driven engine.


Active Member
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Yes I wrote the tutorial especialy for you. Some days ago you asked here in the forum about how to create an audio engine. And I know there is no need to think about threading. One thread and one stream is enough to play 20 or 40 simultan audio tracks. With an exactness of 1msec!!!. The limitation of my system is more at the latency buffer. I feed the Audiostreamer every 20msec with a latency buffer size of 100msec and had no problems of breaking the stream on none of the devices. Maybe you can also try 10msec feeding and 50msec latency without problem.

Compared to windows10 this is awesome. They still use by default 160msec latency. High definition audio systems like ASIO or company solution like PRESONUS are able to reduce it to 10msec.

All synchronicity diference below 50msec is already perfect for musicians, In such a system you already could playback and simultaniously record without the need of compensation of the 50msec, and nobody would hear it.

As long as you do not want to record and playback on the same device the latency does not matter really. Aks my, if you have further questions.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Nice post and very interesting.

Compared to windows10 this is awesome. They still use by default 160msec latency. High definition audio systems like ASIO or company solution like PRESONUS are able to reduce it to 10msec.

I remember those latency issues when I used Cubase on Windows. This was one of the reasons I moved to Mac for my home recordings.
However, I actually thought that the latency issues on Windows had already been fixed from Windows 8 and newer and that there was no further need for ASIO.


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This are no issues or problems or bugs! It is a decision of the developer team related on the knowing of the behavior of their system. They never changed it.

160msec means "I go no risk and select the longest possible latency" to never get in the risk of breaking the stream. And for a "consumer system" it really does not matter. You only recognize it, when stopping a music. The playback needs 160msec to react and stop.

On MAC they where more courageous and tried 60msec. This seems good enough for them.

Using ASIO or closed third party systems like Presonus, which deliver their recording software together with their hardware, showed that is it is possible to reduce the latency to below 10msec. I have a digital-24track-mixing console from Presonus and record simultaniously 24 tracks in 24bit quality into a MAC without any latency problems or need for compensation.

You need to buffer a minimum amout of samples in a buffer between your sending and the fetchting of the Audio-Hardware. On 44.100Hz+16bit+Stereo and a buffer size of 10msec this are 441*2*2= 1764Bytes. If you push 1764 on the one side of the buffer (each 10msec) and the hardware takes 1764 bytes away at the other end in the same time, in the middle needs to remain another chunk of 1764Bytes untouched, because pushing and taking away is not synchron. This means already 20msec of latency in average.

Following my experience I use a "middle" buffer of 3x chunk size = 7056Bytes on modern devices upto 10x chunk size on very old devices.

By the way: The ringbuffer can be as big as you like... In the sample i use only a size good for 8 seconds, but you can also define it for 400 seconds or more. This is enough for one complete song and means, that the calculations for the "ring"-position is not longer necessary


Active Member
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Longtime User
Thank you Midimaster you are so kind. I am still working in the thread driven engine and if the final result is not good enough I will refer to your code.

Regarding the latency, I have an ipad and there are many real-time (from screen touch to sound out < 10-20 ms) instrument kind of apps on ios due to its very low latency audio driver comparing to android. Although I assume in these days andorid is getting better, still from Audiotrack.GetMinBuffersize I get a more than 100ms latency on my 2019 mid-end android phone. This 100ms latency is not good for touch piano, guitar effect, but it is fine for mixing, modtracker, drum sequencer kind of app and my currently building guitar sequencer app, cause tempo change and edit of next bar will only have this 100ms delay (for safety I am currently using 200ms for test).

BTW: my current prototype mixing 6+ channels (as 6 strings for guitar) at a 200ms buffer will use around 80-120ms on Noxplayer (i5 2G PC) and on a real phone (low-end Qualcomm 610) about 20-40ms, so still many computation power rooms there.

Roger Taylor

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Longtime User

Hello, Midimaster. Someone recommended this thread to me since I'm trying to learn how to do a non-streaming type of PCM output. I wrote a retro 8-bit computer emulator (TRS-80 CoCo) that needs to have it's own 8-bit DAC heard at the Android device's speaker, of course. I tried running AudioTrack.WriteByte in a thread inside of a forever loop thinking that as long as I'm outputting samples as fast as the AudioTrack library allows, everything should work. This works in the mainline code but it delays my emulator dramatically waiting on WriteByte to return. I compiled and ran your above tutorial project and tried modifying it to see how it works, reducing it down to 1 track and then trying to insert my live samples into the stream, but failed miserably as expected. What do you suggest for doing the kind of live PCM I described?

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