Share My Creation Auduino sound synthesiser

The Auduino is a sound synthesiser based on the Arduino platform.
It works on all Arduinos running at 16MHz - everything from the original Arduino serial to the Arduino Mega.
It uses granular synthesis techniques to generate a distinctive filter-sweep sound that had much more character than boring square waves.

The Auduino is intended to be controlled by 5 potentiometers, proving analog inputs to control the synthesiser's parameters.
I've modified the sketch so that these 5 parameters can be controlled using the Serial port, and created the B4J Auduino Controller program which provides a user interface allowing you to control these 5 parameters from your computer.

Each potentiometer as an analog input was read by the analogRead() method which returned a value between 0 and 1023.
So i've used a Slider to replace each potentiometer, with the Slider values ranging from 0 to 1023.
In theory the Auduino Controller can create any sound which can be created using the potentiometers as input.

All you need is a compatible Arduino and a pair of headphones or speaker.

To see which Arduino boards the sketch will run on it's probably easiest to take a look at the original sketch source:

I've been using a small battery powered speaker here with good results but please note:
(Quoted from the Auduino homepage linked to above).

The Arduino can drive a small piezo, speaker or headphones directly. Strictly speaking it outputs at 5V rather than the 1V line level, but most amplifiers don't seem to mind.

If you plug your Auduino/Arduino into your expensive hifi system and blow it up i accept no responsibility!

The B4J Auduino Controller program has options to select the serial port that your Arduino is connected to.
COM1 to COM6 and ttyUSB0 are selectable, if your Arduino is connected to a port not selectable you'll have to modify the B4J project.

Addtional libraries required in order to compile the B4J project are:

Have fun and remember stuff the neighbours - play it loud lol!

B4J and Auduino sketch attached.



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